Sunday, February 13, 2011

Configure the proxy server of google chrome independently

I think many people need to use proxy server form time to time, and it's not bothering to set proxy server once in a while, even though there are different ways in different browsers. Browsers like firefox or opera have indepedent proxy server settings which means that the proxy server we set is limited to the specific browser.

Unfortunately, when we try to congifure the proxy server of google chrome, we will find that google chrome uses the same proxy server setting with IE. In fact, that is not a big deal if we don't need to change proxy setting very often. However, what if we need to use different proxy settings for different websites? Wow, that would be very troublesome! The easy solution is that we can use firefox for A proxy setting, and opera for B setting, and IE for C setting. Well, this solution is good, but not good enough. Here, I'm going to tell a easiest way to solve the problem.

What we need is google chrome. Wait! Did I just say google chrome uses the same proxy setting with IE? Yes, definitely yes, but it didn't mean that google chrome can't use its own proxy setting. This function is hidden. To do this, we have to set up a shortcut in the desktop first, and then set the target of the shortcut. Just add:
--proxy-server=proxy server:port
For example, if the proxy server is, and the port is 8080, and what I have to do is add "--proxy-server=" in the end of the target.

After we do so, we will use the proxy sever every time we start up chrome with this shortcut. Is that amazing? I think it is. So, if we use different proxy servers for different websites, we can just set different shortcut for specific website.

Still, good is never good enough. This method only solves the problem of changing different proxy settings every time, but we aren't able to use different proxy servers at the same time. That is a little pity.

There is an easier way to use independent proxy in chrome. Install this extension called "proxy switchy" on google chrome. It can help us switch proxy easily during surfing on the internet with chrome. Honestly, I haven't tried it. This method was provide by anonymous in the comment. Thank you, whoever you are.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Install rmvb codec for kmplayer

Kmplayer is a media player from korea. It contains many video codec but rmvb. Therefore, we have to install it by ourself.

First, download and install kmplayer from the official website.

Then, download and install the rmvb codec.

Extract the files and copy the four .dll files to the path of C:\program files(x86)\The Kmplayer which is the default installed path of Kmplayer.

Congratulation! It's done. Enjoy the movie!